Expense management

10 best business budgeting software in 2024

Apr 05, 2024

Effective budgeting is vital for organizations to achieve financial stability and meet their goals in today's fast-paced business world. Budgeting software has emerged as an indispensable tool, empowering businesses to streamline financial processes and make informed decisions.

Over recent years the demand for reliable and feature-rich budgeting software has continued to soar due to its ability to track expenses, automate budget creation, forecast revenue, and generate insightful reports.

However, with so many options available, choosing the best business budgeting software to optimize financial planning and management is easier said than done.

Importance of budgeting for businesses

1. Streamlined financial planning

Budgeting provides a structured framework for businesses to plan their financial activities. It helps them set realistic goals, allocate resources effectively, and anticipate potential challenges.

With a well-defined budget, businesses can align their financial objectives with their overall strategic goals, ensuring a more focused and efficient use of resources.

2. Increased efficiency and productivity

A well-planned budget enables businesses to identify wasteful spending, unnecessary costs, and inefficient processes.

By analyzing and optimizing their budget, organizations can streamline operations, eliminate redundancies, and allocate resources more effectively. This, in turn, leads to increased efficiency, improved productivity, and better utilization of available resources.

3. Improved financial control

Budgeting provides a mechanism for businesses to exercise greater control over their financial activities. By setting specific spending limits and tracking expenses against the budget, organizations can prevent overspending, identify cost overruns, and take corrective actions in a timely manner.

Budgeting fosters financial discipline and accountability, allowing businesses to maintain a healthy financial position.

4. Consolidate financial accounts

For businesses with multiple divisions, departments, or projects, budgeting facilitates the consolidation of financial accounts. It provides a holistic view of the organization's financial performance by integrating individual budgets into a master budget.

This consolidation enables businesses to analyze overall financial health, identify areas of concern, and allocate resources strategically across various units. This is one of the many aspects of budgeting that are particularly enhanced by the best business budgeting software.

5. Track spending across multiple financial accounts

Budgeting also enables businesses to track and monitor expenses across multiple financial accounts, such as departments, projects, or cost centers.

It allows for granular control and visibility into spending patterns, helping organizations identify areas where costs can be optimized or reallocated. This level of tracking enhances financial transparency and facilitates informed decision-making.

6. Create, manage, and interpret reports

Budgeting involves generating various reports that provide valuable insights into financial performance. These reports include budget vs. actual analyses, variance reports, cash flow projections, and profitability analyses.

By regularly reviewing and interpreting these reports, businesses can identify trends, evaluate performance, and make data-driven decisions. Budgeting and forecasting software for small businesses automates the report generation process, saving time and providing accurate financial information in real-time.

7. Better management of financial records

Budgeting involves maintaining a systematic record of financial activities, including income, expenses, and investments. By documenting and organizing this information, businesses can easily refer to historical data, track financial trends, and identify patterns over time.

This historical perspective enables better forecasting, mitigates risks, and supports long-term financial planning.

What is business budgeting software?

Business budgeting software refers to specialized software applications that aid organizations in budget creation, management, and monitoring. It offers a digital platform for businesses to streamline their financial planning and forecasting procedures.

Such software commonly provides functions like automated budget creation, expense tracking, revenue forecasting, variance analysis, and reporting features.

Utilizing business budgeting software enables organizations to optimize financial decision-making, enhance budget accuracy, monitor expenditures in real-time, and gain valuable insights into their financial performance.

The best business budgeting software empowers businesses to exert greater control over their finances, make well-informed strategic choices, and ultimately improve their overall financial well-being and achievement.

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10 best budgeting software for businesses

1. QuickBooks

QuickBooks is a widely recognized budgeting software trusted by businesses of all sizes. It offers robust features for budget creation, expense tracking, invoicing, and financial reporting.

With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive tools, QuickBooks enables businesses to manage their budgets effectively, monitor cash flow, and generate insightful reports. It integrates seamlessly with bank accounts, simplifying transaction recording and reconciliation.

QuickBooks also provides add-ons for payroll management, inventory tracking, and more, making it a versatile solution for comprehensive financial management.

Suggested read: MYOB vs Quickbooks review

2. Xero

Xero is a cloud-based budgeting software designed for businesses of almost all sizes. It offers an intuitive interface with features like budget creation, expense tracking, bank reconciliation, and real-time financial reporting.

Xero provides easy integration with other business apps, simplifying data transfer and ensuring accurate financial records. It also offers collaborative tools, allowing multiple users to access and work on budgets simultaneously.

With its mobile app, Xero enables users to manage their budgets on the go. Xero's user-friendly interface and powerful functionalities make it one of the best business budgeting software choices for businesses seeking effective budget management.

3. EveryDollar

EveryDollar is one of the best small business budgeting software that focuses on simplicity and user-friendly budgeting tools. With EveryDollar, businesses can create and manage budgets based on their income, track expenses, and set financial goals.

The software provides visual representations of spending patterns and progress toward goals, allowing users to make informed financial decisions. EveryDollar also offers a mobile app for convenient budget tracking.

While it may lack some advanced features compared to other software, EveryDollar excels in its simplicity and emphasis on basic budgeting principles.


YNAB is a budgeting software designed to help individuals and businesses gain control over their finances. It emphasizes a proactive approach to budgeting by assigning every dollar a specific purpose. YNAB allows businesses to create detailed budgets, track spending, and set financial goals.

It provides insightful reports and real-time syncing across devices for easy access to budget information. YNAB also offers educational resources, including live workshops and webinars, to help users develop strong budgeting habits and financial literacy.

With its focus on proactive budgeting and educational support, YNAB stands out as a comprehensive budgeting tool.

5. Tiller

Tiller is a business budgeting software that automates financial tracking by importing data from bank accounts and spreadsheets. It offers customizable budget templates and flexible budget categories. Tiller's strength lies in its ability to automate data feeds, ensuring accurate and up-to-date financial information.

It supports various financial institutions and allows users to create personalized reports to analyze spending patterns. Tiller integrates seamlessly with Google Sheets, making it easy to collaborate and share budget information.

With its automation features and customizable templates, Tiller is an excellent choice for businesses seeking efficient and tailored budgeting solutions.

6. Mint

Mint is a well-known budgeting software that offers a wide range of financial management tools. It provides features for creating budgets, tracking expenses, setting bill reminders, and monitoring credit scores.

Mint utilizes automated transaction categorization and presents visual representations of spending habits. It also sends notifications for unusual spending patterns and assists users in identifying potential cost-saving opportunities.

Additionally, Mint integrates seamlessly with multiple financial institutions, allowing users to access all their accounts in a single interface.

7. ZohoBooks

Zoho Books is a cloud-based accounting and budgeting software designed for businesses from a variety of operational scales. It provides functionalities for creating budgets, tracking expenses, generating invoices, and generating financial reports.

Zoho Books allows users to customize budget templates and make adjustments as per evolving financial requirements. The software seamlessly integrates with other Zoho applications like CRM and inventory management, offering a complete business management solution.

With its user-friendly interface, support for multiple currencies, and collaborative tools, Zoho Books is an appealing option for businesses seeking an all-in-one budgeting and accounting solution.


MYOB is one of the best business budgeting software designed for small and medium-sized businesses. It offers features for budget creation, expense tracking, inventory management, and financial reporting. MYOB provides customizable budget templates and allows users to allocate costs to specific projects or departments.

It offers advanced reporting capabilities, including cash flow forecasting and profit and loss analysis. MYOB integrates with other business applications, simplifying data transfer and improving workflow efficiency.

With its comprehensive features and scalability, MYOB is a valuable budgeting solution for businesses aiming to manage their finances effectively.

9. Wave

If you're looking for the best business budgeting software that comes at no cost then Wave is definitely an option to consider. It provides a range of features including expense tracking, budget creation, receipt scanning, and invoicing.

Users can generate comprehensive financial reports such as balance sheets and income statements. Wave also offers tools for managing customer and vendor relationships. While certain advanced features may require additional payment, Wave's core budgeting capabilities are completely free.

With its intuitive user interface and cost-effectiveness, Wave presents an excellent option for startups and small businesses seeking a budgeting solution without incurring significant expenses.

10. FreshBooks

FreshBooks is primarily an invoicing and accounting software, but it also offers budgeting features. It allows businesses to create budgets, track expenses, and generate financial reports. FreshBooks provides options to allocate expenses to specific projects or clients, enabling businesses to monitor profitability.

It integrates with popular payment gateways, making it easy to manage invoicing and receive payments. FreshBooks offers a user-friendly interface, time-tracking capabilities, and a mobile app for on-the-go budget management.

While more focused on invoicing and accounting, FreshBooks provides essential budgeting features for businesses looking for a comprehensive financial management solution.

Also read - 5 best expense management software in 2024 in Australia

Factors to consider when choosing a business budgeting software

1. Security and data protection

Protecting sensitive financial data is paramount. Evaluate the software's security measures, such as data encryption, user access controls, and regular data backups.

Verify that the software adheres to industry-standard security protocols and compliance regulations to safeguard your financial information.

2. Features and functionality

Assess the software's features and functionalities related to budget creation, expense tracking, forecasting, reporting, and analysis.

Look for tools that align with your specific budgeting needs, such as customizable budget templates, automated data import, and intuitive interfaces for ease of use.

3. Cost and value for money

Assess the software's pricing structure, including upfront costs, subscription fees, and additional charges for advanced features or support.

Consider the value provided by the software in relation to its cost. Look for a balance between affordability and the software's ability to meet your budgeting requirements.

4. Scalability

Consider the scalability of the software. Will it accommodate your business's growth and evolving financial needs?

Ensure that the software can handle increasing data volumes, support multiple users, and adapt to changing budgeting requirements as your business expands.

The best business budgeting software are always those that can grow with a company’s growing needs.

5. Ease of use

Evaluate the software's user interface and intuitiveness. A user-friendly interface reduces the learning curve and enables efficient budgeting workflows.

Look for features like drag-and-drop functionality, customizable dashboards, and clear navigation to enhance ease of use.

6. Support and training

Evaluate the extent of customer support and training offered by the software provider. Take into account the availability of convenient customer support channels, such as phone or email, as well as online resources like user guides, video tutorials, and forums.

Sufficient support and training will guarantee a seamless business budgeting software implementation process and assist users in fully utilizing the software's features and functionalities.

7. Integration capabilities

Consider the software's ability to integrate with other business systems you use, such as accounting software, ERP systems, or payment gateways.

Seamless integration streamlines data transfer and eliminates the need for manual entry, ensuring data accuracy and saving time.

8. Reporting and analytics

Strong reporting and analytics features are key for obtaining an accurate understanding of your business's financial performance. You should ideally opt for software that offers visual representations, extensive reports, and dashboards that are customizable.

The capability to generate real-time reports and conduct in-depth analysis will significantly boost your ability to make accurate decisions.

9. Customer reviews and reputation

Conduct thorough research on customer reviews and feedback regarding the software. Online reviews and ratings offer valuable information on user experiences, the software's dependability, and overall customer satisfaction.

It is important to assess the reputation of the software provider in the industry and their history of delivering high-quality budgeting solutions.

The best small business budgeting software will typically have reviews to support its reputation.

Choose Volopay and grow your business!

Volopay presents a comprehensive platform that greatly aids in the growth of businesses. By incorporating expense management and accounting automation, it enables businesses to effectively manage and control their expenses.

Volopay simplifies payment management, tracks expenses, analyzes reports, and provides real-time data. Moreover, it facilitates future planning and forecasting by offering integration compatibility with other software.

This all-in-one solution streamlines financial processes, enhances efficiency, and optimizes financial management, leading to the growth and success of businesses.

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Which software is best used to create a business budget?

The choice of software for creating a business budget depends on the specific needs and preferences of the business. However, popular options for business budgeting software include QuickBooks, Xero, EveryDollar, and YNAB, which offer robust features for budget creation, expense tracking, and reporting.

Is Volopay business budgeting software?

Yes, Volopay can be used as a business budgeting software. The platform offers dedicated financial control tools and budgeting features to help manage company spending.

How does Volopay help in planning business budgets?

Volopay provides a variety of features and tools that help in planning budgets. You can use Volopay’s extensive financial reports and analytics features to gain insight into company spending, allocate different budgets to different departments or projects, issue dedicated payment cards to ensure budget-friendly spending, and more.

Does Volopay have integration support?

Yes, Volopay supports integration with other applications and systems. It offers integration capabilities with accounting software such as QuickBooks and Xero, enabling seamless transfer of financial data. This integration ensures that budgeting and expense data can be synchronized with the business's accounting system, enhancing accuracy and efficiency.

Can Volopay help in extracting and analyzing reports?

Volopay provides reporting capabilities to help businesses extract and analyze financial reports. Users can generate expense reports, track spending trends, and gain insights into their company's financial performance. While Volopay may not offer the extensive reporting and analytics features of dedicated budgeting software, it provides essential reporting tools to assist businesses in evaluating their expenses and making informed decisions.