Eliminate the need for manual data entry

Integrate accounting, collaboration, and security tools to streamline your financial processes. Easily imported and sync transactions, saving time and money. Enjoy only matching data, no manual entry or unlabeled transactions.

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Trusted by finance teams at startups to enterprises.

Meet our customers

Tailor as per your needs

Customize your export to meet your bookkeeping and analytical needs with a new template. Select the software you want to use with custom format and content as you like.

Tailor as per your needs

Close books 10x faster

Create smart rules and workflows that automatically categorize expenses as soon as they occur to automate your accounting with best-in-class integrations.

Close books 10x faster

Sync all transactions

Integrate your accounting software with a few clicks, sync your transactions with receipts attached the instant a payment is made, and import to your tracking categories easily.

Sync all transactions

Create custom rules to map your transactions

You can control how transactions appear on your books by creating custom rules for merchants, cards, users, departments, and more.

map your transactions

Centralize Your Processes

Store all your data and documents, track and categorize all your spend easily on a single platform accessible from anywhere. No need to worry about manual errors and lost data.

Centralize Your Processes

Automatically update data

Any changes you make in Volopay will be reflected in your accounting system automatically and vice-versa, ensuring that both systems are maintained up to date throughout the accounting period.

Automatically update data

Save hours of manual entry work

Our integrations will match the categories you've specified with your accounting data. This saves time on manual re-entry and allows for more extensive bookkeeping. Eliminate repetitive data entry and spend more time doing what you do best.

Save hours of manual entry work

Financial stack for business

No more switching between multiple bank accounts and tools to run your smart business. We have combined great software with every service you are using a bank for, to produce a state-of-the-art financial platform.

Corporate Cards

Empower your employees with physical and virtual cards

Expense Management

Manage and track every dollar that leaves your company

Business Bank Account

Open a global account with multi-currency payments

Accounts Payables

Manage vendors, approve invoices and automate payments

Accounting Automation

Save hours daily, and close your books faster every month


Integrate with the all the tools and software that you use daily

Automated Accounting. Almost magical

Volopay syncs beautifully with the accounting software you use daily. Use custom checks for each expense to prepare and sort transactions, verify information, and export to your accounting software.

Learn more about Volopay

Volopay combines approvals, corporate cards, bill payments, expense reimbursements and accounting automation into one single platform.

Corporate cards

Equip your teams with secure physical VISA cards with built-in controls that will enable them to make payments at any store.

Virtual cards

Generate instant virtual cards to pay for and manage your SaaS subscriptions, vendor payments and online spending.

Vendor payouts

Make domestic & international money transfers at lowest imaginable rates.

Automate accounting

Volopay syncs beautifully with the accounting software you use daily. Use custom checks for each expense to prepare and sort, verify and export transactions to your accounting software.

Bring Volopay to your business

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Bring Volopay to your business