Prepaid business cards for employee expenses

Say goodbye to out-of-pocket expenses and poor spend visibility. Equip your employees with prepaid cards to make business purchases easier, faster, and safer. 

Spend smarter with built-in controls and customizable limits. Load your cards according to your budgets and assign them to employees. Manage your expenses, online purchases, procurement, and many more.

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Trusted by finance teams at startups to enterprises.

Meet our customers

Prepaid cards with built-in spend limits

Top up your prepaid cards as you see fit to avoid overspending. Each physical prepaid card that you assign to an employee can have its own custom spend limit. You’ll be automatically prevented from spending over the allocated budget. Set up controls to block specific merchants or only allow payments to specific vendors. With advanced control options, you can even decide if a card’s spend limits can be automatically refreshed, and how often it happens.

Prepaid cards with spend limits

Easy to load and easy to spend

There’s no hassle associated with Volopay cards. With a card management dashboard that can be accessed from anywhere with internet access, you can load your cards easily online. No need to go to the bank!

Spending on business purchases is as easy. Employees won’t need to make out-of-pocket expenses when a transaction can be completed with just a card swipe.

Load prepaid cards

Create vendor-specific cards

Unlike a personal credit card used for business purposes, you don’t need to be stuck with one shared card for expenses from multiple departments. Volopay lets you create multiple prepaid cards to manage your vendors better.

Different cards can be used for different vendors, making it easier to track your vendor payments. Streamline your payments and get better visibility with Volopay.

Vendor specific prepaid cards

Get the perfect prepaid card for your business!

Automated expense reporting

No need to worry about missed expenses—every transaction you make with your prepaid cards will be automatically recorded. The Volopay dashboard supports automatic updates for you and your employees.

For every transaction made, employees will be reminded to complete the expense record with additional information. Customize required fields and allow employees to submit expense reports from anywhere with the help of our mobile application.

Automated expense reporting

Easy integration with accounting systems

Card expense accounting doesn’t need to be difficult or time-consuming. Integrate your cards with existing accounting systems via Volopay. This allows your data to be automatically and accurately synced across multiple platforms. Our team will happily help you set up your integrations to allow you to utilize the direct sync feature for a more streamlined financial workflow.

Integration with accounting systems

Enhanced security and fraud protection

Avoid carrying large amounts of cash to make business transactions. With business prepaid cards, you can load them as needed. It also makes it easier to prevent fraud and theft, since all transactions are updated on the ledger as soon as they occur.

Volopay’s industry-standard certifications and security measures ensure that your data is safe with us. If a card unfortunately gets lost, stolen, or compromised, the freeze and block features offer extra protection against fraud.

Prepaid cards with enhanced security

Multi-level approval workflows

With business prepaid cards, you can set pre-approved spending limits to enforce tighter spend controls. Block specific merchants from the platform, or alternatively, only allow certain merchant payments to be made. Employees can file expense reports for each card transaction using Volopay, and the comment section lets approvers clarify details within the platform. Reports are automatically sent to approvers for review.

Expense approval workflow

Financial stack for business

No more switching between multiple bank accounts and tools to run your smart business. We have combined great software with every service you are using a bank for, to produce a state-of-the-art financial platform.

Corporate Cards

Empower your employees with physical and virtual cards

Expense Management

Manage and track every dollar that leaves your company

Business Bank Account

Open a global account with multi-currency payments

Accounts Payables

Manage vendors, approve invoices and automate payments

Accounting Automation

Save hours daily, and close your books faster every month


Integrate with the all the tools and software that you use daily

Discover the diverse use cases of prepaid cards


Travel expenses

Equip employees with prepaid corporate cards for business trips. There’s no need for out-of-pocket spends—employees can manage travel expenses using a dedicated card.

With pre-approved budgets, they can spend accordingly on airfare, hotel, rental cars, and other travel expenses. 


Petty cash

Petty cash seems like a good idea until you realize it’s difficult to track how company funds are being used. Replace petty cash with individual physical prepaid cards for your employees.

It promotes transparency and visibility into how every penny is spent. 


Employee expenses

Out-of-pocket employee expenses are a hassle to your employees and the finance team. Manage food, entertainment, and other employee expenses by equipping employees with prepaid cards.

You can set pre-approved limits by loading your cards accordingly to control how much money is spent.


Purchasing and procurement

Procure materials and services easily using prepaid cards. The procurement team can set budgets and enforce them by loading your cards according to the amount budgeted.

Card payments are also much faster, so business operations are guaranteed to go smoothly!


Online purchases

You won’t be able to swipe your card online, but you can enter your card details to settle the transaction in just a minute or two.

Subscription providers, e-commerce sites, and marketing ad wallets generally have cards as the preferred payment method.


One-time purchases

Instead of sending cash or setting up bank transfers for one-time vendor and contractor purchases, use your Volopay prepaid card to make payments easy.

No need to get your vendor’s account details—pay through a vendor portal with your card!

Learn more about Volopay

Volopay combines approvals, corporate cards, bill payments, expense reimbursements and accounting automation into one single platform.

Real-time expense reporting

Design your expense reporting system so that you get to know where, when, and why of every spend.

Multi-level approvals

Rewrite your company's spending policy and establish precise approval workflows to handle staff spending, payments, and fund requests.

Accounting automation

Safeguard your accounting structure—from card swipe to closed books—with world's fastest accounting integrations with direct integrations and real-time sync.

Bring Volopay to your business

Get started now
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FAQs on prepaid cards

Can we withdraw money using a prepaid card?

Yes. Prepaid cards work similarly to a business debit card, allowing you to withdraw funds at an ATM when needed.

How to get a Volopay prepaid card for my business

If your business is registered as a limited liability company, you’ll be able to sign up and start using the Volopay platform. The application process only requires a few documents and has a short waiting period.

Once you’ve been onboarded, you can easily order your prepaid cards.

How secure is Volopay?

We take your data security very seriously. Volopay has industry-standard certifications and security measures to protect your information.

If a card is compromised, you can immediately freeze and block it to prevent misuse.

Are there any additional fees associated with using Volopay cards?

We are transparent with our fees. There are no hidden fees associated with your Volopay prepaid cards. Any charges that may incur in the future will be communicated to you.