Corporate card to streamline your business finance

Say goodbye to complicated expense tracking and slow payment methods. Introduce Volopay’s corporate card feature to your business for easier payments.

Get customizable spend limits, automated expense reporting, real-time tracking, and better budgeting with corporate expense cards. A combination of physical and virtual cards will take care of all your expenses—whether they are for business travel, subscriptions, online shopping, and so much more.

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Trusted by finance teams at startups to enterprises.

Meet our customers

Smarter spending with approvals

No need to worry about going over your budget when you use corporate cards. Volopay’s corporate card for startups allows you to implement your approval workflows for better accountability.

All expenses made with corporate expense cards will be automatically reflected on your platform. Quickly fill expense reports through a mobile app. With automated non-compliant expense flagging, robust card management features, and the ability to start discussion threads, every expense is guaranteed to be accounted for.

Approval policy

Easy and faster payments

All it takes is a swipe of your card to make payments when you use a Volopay corporate card. There’s no need to play the waiting game with approval delays with pre-approved spending limits built into the corporate expense cards you issue. 

Get expense alerts whenever a transaction is made. Say goodbye to complicated reimbursement processes and allow your employees to make business expenses without all the hassle.

Faster payment using corporate card

Track expenses in real-time

Worried about a lack of expense visibility? Using a corporate card for startups will fix that. All expenses made on a corporate card will be automatically reflected in your Volopay dashboard.

Expenses can also be auto-approved when they’re made at particular merchants and comply with all preexisting policies. Link cards with the appropriate department or project. Unexpected or unauthorized purchases are no longer a problem when employee expenses have transparency and accountability.

Real time expense tracking

Perfect corporate card solution for your business!

Easy accounting system integration

Streamline your financial management by integrating your corporate cards with accounting systems. No more stressing over time-consuming manual data entry processes.

Ensure that your accounting records are error-free. With integration capabilities, you can get enhanced accuracy and streamlined reconciliations, complete with card expenses split into multiple line items. Expenses can be directly synced between your platforms with ease.

Easy accounting system integration

Issue multiple cards to employees

Issue cards to all your employees with ease by using Volopay corporate expense cards. You can activate, block, freeze, and replace cards in just a few clicks. Easily request repayments from cardholders for non-compliant and inappropriate transactions. 

Avoid card sharing, which will create payment and tracking complications. Volopay allows each of your employees to have their own cards. Between physical and virtual cards, you can assign each card to a specific employee or purpose.

Issue corporate cards

Automated expense categorization

You don’t want to waste time categorizing expenses manually, especially when you need to make multiple business expenses on each card. Get automated expense categorization with Volopay to make viewing and managing your spending easier.

All expenses made on your corporate card can be automatically categorized with customizable advanced rules. When filing expense reports through the Volopay app or platform, employees can also select the relevant categories with a click.

Expense categorization

Financial stack for business

No more switching between multiple bank accounts and tools to run your smart business. We have combined great software with every service you are using a bank for, to produce a state-of-the-art financial platform.

Corporate Cards

Empower your employees with physical and virtual cards

Expense Management

Manage and track every dollar that leaves your company

Business Bank Account

Open a global account with multi-currency payments

Accounts Payables

Manage vendors, approve invoices and automate payments

Accounting Automation

Save hours daily, and close your books faster every month


Integrate with the all the tools and software that you use daily

See how Volopay cards can benefit your business


Simplified reimbursement

Ever felt like that pile of reimbursement claims is never-ending? Make the swap from out-of-pocket employee expenses to corporate cards to simplify and even reduce the need for reimbursements. 

Equip your employees with corporate cards to empower them to make purchases. Setting card limits can easily ensure that employees aren’t overspending.


Improved cash flow

Having good cash flow begins with managing your expenses well. Use corporate card limits to ensure that you’re spending within your budget, which will help you guarantee positive cash flow.

No more surprise bills at the end of the month. Curb overspending and improve your cash flow by making use of a corporate card for startups.


Protect finances as you build business credit

Business credit, which is separate from personal credit, can make or break your company. Carefully controlled spending and transparent transaction records ensure you can manage your finances without harming your business credit. Volopay’s corporate card for startups will help you better protect your financial habits so you can focus on how to build business credit. Make sure that you have the credit score you need for future purposes.


Simplified tracking

End-of-month expense report surprises are a thing of the past. With a card management platform like Volopay’s, you’ll get real-time updates of all your card spends. 

Every time any of your employees use a corporate card for a transaction, it will be automatically reflected on your card management platform. Track every penny used by your business.


Increased convenience

Instead of relying on the owner’s credit card to do business transactions, empower your employees by equipping each of them with a corporate card for startups. 

Every employee will be able to make business expenses whenever needed. No more card-sharing hassles and chasing each other down just to make a payment!


Improved vendor relationships

Nobody wants to make late payments to their vendors; it’ll lead to late fees, complications, and distrust. Avoid these issues by using corporate expense cards for your business. 

Pay your vendors faster with features like a comprehensive expense management system, unlimited virtual cards, and pre-approved payment limits.

Learn more about Volopay

Volopay combines approvals, corporate cards, bill payments, expense reimbursements and accounting automation into one single platform.

Physical cards

Get physical corporate cards tailored to your business needs. Business travel and employee expenses are made easy with Volopay.

Virtual cards

Nobody wants complicated subscription management. Generate as many Volopay virtual corporate expense cards as you need for better subscription payments.

Bring Volopay to your business

Get started now
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FAQs on corporate cards

What are corporate business cards?

Corporate business cards, or corporate expense cards, are cards used for corporate payments and designed specifically with business needs in mind. It helps you keep personal and business expenses separate.

What are the use cases for corporate cards?

Corporate cards can be used for a variety of expenses. Business travel is a main use case, enabling your employees to make purchases on behalf of your organization during business trips easily.

You can also use it to manage other expenses, such as subscriptions, office supplies, online orders, and many more.

Can we use Volopay corporate cards for business travel expenses?

Yes. In fact, using a corporate card will make managing business travel easier. You don’t need to worry about employee reimbursements when they can control spending with corporate cards.

Are Volopay corporate cards accepted everywhere outside the USA?

Yes. You can use Volopay corporate cards internationally as long as the merchant accepts card payments.

Do Volopay cards support cross-border payments?

Yes, you can easily make cross-border payments with Volopay corporate expense cards. It makes both online and in-store purchases much more convenient.

How do you qualify for a corporate card?

Your business needs to be a registered company for it to qualify for a corporate card. Different card providers will have different requirements, so be sure you check with each one before you apply.

Will a corporate card affect my credit?

No. Corporate cards have entirely separate credit scores when compared to your personal credit score.